Puff Pastry Fans (Ventagli di Sfoglia)
Hand-rolled, lightweight and super brittle
Puff Pastry Fans: Between Tradition and History
Puff pastry fans, also known as prussianas or girelle, are sweets that are widespread throughout Italy but boast a distinct history and tradition. Their origins seem to go back to Arab countries, where similar pastries made from puff pastry and honey were already being prepared in the 8th century.
Prepared with simple and wholesome ingredients: flour from Italian grains, Piedmontese butter from a controlled and certified supply chain is obtained exclusively from fresh centrifuge cream from 100% Italian milk, water, salt and sugar. The fans feature a light sheet of dough laminated with an artisanal method that makes them light and super crumbly.
One leads the other!
Try them in winter with a nice hot chocolate or zabajone! They are also perfect in summer with a nice vanilla or chocolate ice cream!
Packaging available
160g bag